The pre-school is divided into areas so that the children can participate in different activities during the day. During free play time, children can move freely between these areas. Examples of which include:
The Creative Area
This area provides a play dough table with a choice of tools for rolling, cutting, squeezing and making patterns and prints. The communication and language table offers paper, writing materials such as felt pens, crayons, chalk and coloured pencils. There are materials available for collage making including glue and scissors. There will also be some ‘planned’ craft available in this area.
Home Corner - This provides a good sized area for imaginary play enabling the children to recreate situations and experiences. Each week the theme for this area is changed.
Maths Table - This table provides numbers for counting, and toys for sorting shape, size, quantity etc.
Computer - Our computer is easy for the children to use and has several education programs to cater for all areas of development. Children will have the chance to take turns to use it during a session.

Little Room - Our little room is open during free play so that children can come and go as they please to play musical instruments, listen to music and get involved in musical activities.
Language and Discovery Corner - This area has been created for language, communication and literacy. It provides books, letters, toys and other language-based resources.

Small World Table - This table provides play with small world toys for example a farm and animals.
Construction Table - This table is set up for children to use their imaginations to freely build and create with construction toys such as duplo and stickle bricks.
Outside Play - Our safe outside area provides children with the opportunity to play and explore outside each day. Two members of staff take half the group for half an hour each during free time play.
Other group activities include:
Snack Time - We provide the children with fruit and milk/water to drink. The children sit at tables, are involved in the preparation and eat with the adults. The children are encouraged to pour their own drink and to help with the tidying up.
Story Time - The whole group sits together for a story read by an adult. This takes place in the little room.
Physical Time - After Story time, the group is divided into two with half taking part in music and movement and half doing physical activity. The groups are then swapped so that both groups get a chance to do both activities.
Circle/Singing Time - To finish the session, the group sits together in a circle and shares in learning and singing rhymes and songs. The children are kept busy and active during our sessions!